these are pictures that i have taken at
local shows. if your band picture is here,
and you would like it taken down, simply
e-mail me and it wll be removed.

click on the date to view my
pictures, or click on the band name
to view their website.

show date
september 14th, 2001
breezeway and the ship inn
ched, molotov smile, lemontree, hardliner, the co-stars and hot nuts
september 13th, 2001
calio's and a shed
mach tiver, still hip, last line 
and WordsNeverSaid
august 24th, 2001
arena, bar and a park
too many to count
august 6th, 2001
 many places
lot's of 'em
may 5th, 2001
rock me gently 2001
april 14th, 2001
norman 3 and fur packed action
january 19th, 2001
fur packed action and rock ranger
january 13th, 2001
the ship inn
sunday noise and lady luck
and the smoking guns
january 5th, 2001
sunday noise and skank
december 28th, 2000
hardliner, sunday noise 
and sHEAVY
december 18th, 2000
buddhajuke and trimmed 
naval beef
early december, 2000
steel mountain records
neil conway, duane 
andrews and friends
december 2nd, 2000
the cornerstone
sunday noise, jkw, and hardliner
november 25th, 2000
lizband and fur packed action
november 11th, 2000
fat apple cruddup, fell
down some stairs and good
kids pretend they're bad
november 3rd, 2000
mc murdos
sunday noise and veda hille
november 3rd, 2000
 the ship inn
october 27th, 2000
lemontree, ched and 
fur packed action
october 20th, 2000
eddy stevens quartet 
and skank
october 13th, 2000
utopian dream and the
photon band
sept 21st, 2000
the ship inn
september 15th, 2000
the edge
ched and potatobug
september 9th, 2000
hardliner, lemontree
and ched
august 19-20, 2000
bannerman park/calio's
peace-a-chord in bannerman park and lemontree @ calio's
july 8th, 2000
the edge
supagloo, plan 13 and hung up
june 30th, 2000
silverseed, gearbox, flush and bucket truck
june 24th, 2000
bowring park ampitheatre
fetucinni g, plan 13 and 
the photon band
june 16th, 2000
supagloo, sean panting and gearbox
june 9th, 2000
ched and supagloo
april 28th, 2000
bar none
neil conway, sean panting and liz pickard
march 11th, 2000
supagloo and hung up
january 21st, 2000
johnny burke's
buddhajuke, skank, discounts and the eddy stevens quartet
december 22nd, 1999
bishop's college
arion, this day forth..., hung 
up and bucket truck
october 31st, 1999
hung up and this day forth...
mid october, 1999
resist, smug minority and downbox
late august, 1999
bucket truck, molotov smile and
fur packed action
july 11th, 1999
junction's rooftop
supagloo, bucket truck, hung up 
and this day forth...
may 30th, 1999
slag, hung up, punchbuggy
and bucket truck
may 1st, 1999
the edge
molotov smile, fur packed
action and potatobug
march 23rd, 1999
st. john's memorial stadium
liz band and bucket truck
january 9th, 1999
l.s.p.u hall
drive, lizband and gearbox

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