
so i finally found some time for an update.  and as i don't remember when all of
these shows happened, all the pics are just clumped together.  all of these shows happened
between late may until late july.  there are still shows that haven't been scanned that
either will not be scanned or will be scanned at a future date.  stay tunned.

bands listed alphabetically (for the most part).

Buddhajuke - Pic 1||Pic 2||Pic 3||Pic 4||Pic 5
Colleen Power - Pic 1||Pic 2
The Co-Stars
Good Kids Pretend They're Bad - Pic 1||Pic 2||Pic 3
Still Hip with the Kids - Pic 1||Pic 2
King Nancy
lizband - Pic 1||Pic 2||Pic 3
Sheila, Save Yourself - Pic 1||Pic 2
Sean Panting Inc.
Trimmed Naval Beef - Pic 1||Pic 2||Pic 3

some of the pictures of any individual band may have been taken from a series
of different shows.  but i do believe each pic says where the show was.  whatever.

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